Mambo Merge - Mail Merge App for Salesforce

Monday, June 1, 2020

Adding Mambo Merge to your Lightning Page

  1. Go the page in Salesforce where you want to add the Mambo Merge Component
  2. Click on the gear in the top right corner and select Edit Page
  3. Drag the Mambo Merge option from the Component Chooser on the left side onto the page on the right side.
  4. Optionally enter the Id of your Template file
  5. Click Save

Creating a docx Template

  1. After you have added Mambo Merge to a record page in Salesforce, you can click the Configure menu option on the Mambo Merge component to view all the Merge fields available from that type of Salesforce record.
  2. Merge fields start with an { and end with a }, for example the merge field for the Name field is: {Name}
  3. Replace any words that you want replaced in your .docx file with the appropriate Mambo Merge merge field.
  4. Save your file to your desktop
  5. Upload your file to Salesforce as a ContentDocument on the Content tab
  6. Copy the ContentDocumentId or ContentVersionId to enter on the Mambo Merge component when adding it to your Lightning Page.

Matt Kaufman
Matt Kaufman
Chief Innovation Officer @ MK Partners.