This upcoming week a lot of the Trailblazer community groups are hosting events. Due to the Memorial Day holiday (in the United States anyways) there aren’t any events on Monday, so enjoy your time off! It’s a busy week and we don’t have a lot of time for chit chat, so sit back, open up your calendars and let’s get planning!
Wednesday, May 27th
This week we are going to be starting in the middle of our work week. On Wednesday, May 27th the Women in Tech Group in Sacramento will be hosting Irma Olguin Jr., the CEO and Co-Founder of Bitwise Industries and CEO of Shift3 Technologies. She created a work environment that is inclusive to women, LGBTQI and people of color, something not normal seen in the tech industry. If you are looking for inspiration and some positivity in your life, I encourage you to join Ambition, Opportunity and Impact: A Conversation with Irma Olguin Jr.
Are you in need of some help with code customization? The San Francisco Developers Group is hostingDiscover a Lightning Fast Way to Debug in Salesforce with RFLIBon Wednesday, May, 27th. RFLIB is an open source library and the creator of this tool, Johannes, will be attending this interactive session.
Thursday, May 28th
On Thursday, May 28th, A New Reality for Higher Ed Marketing and Communications is going to discuss how colleges and universities are addressing this new world and what roles marketing and communications should play. It’s a panel discussion with speakers Angela Bostick from the University of Pennsylvania, Nicci Brown from the University of Vermont and Emily Mayock from Case Western Reserve University.
If you are feeling overwhelmed with your Pardot to-do list, then I recommend checking out Irvine, California’s B2B Marketing Group event on Thursday, May 28th. They are hosting Casey Cheshire who will walk you through a 10 step plan to help you maximize Pardot. If you are a marketer, then you should sign up for Virtual Pardot Event: How to Eat an Elephant and Maximize Pardot.
Friday, May 29th
If you are new to Salesforce and are an Admin there is Essential Habits for New Admins on Friday, May 29th. It’s a good way to meet other new Admins and learn some tips! There are a few of these sessions in the following weeks, but why not get ahead and on your game now?
Do you love apps and want to talk to other people who are just as passionate about apps as you? Well on Friday, March 29th If you’re Appy and you know it is taking place with the Colorado Springs Administrators Group. Be prepared to spend a few minutes gloating about your favorite app on AppExchange. Who knows, if you convince everyone that your app is the best, you might win some Salesforce swag.
Saturday, May 30th
Rounding out the week is an event that is “scheduled” for May 29th, but it’s actually occurring on the 30th. Now why would I encourage you to attend an event on your Saturday?! Well, #Journey2Salesforce is a virtual event for all non-Salesforce professionals who are part of the #Journey2Salesforce program. This is an event for developers and focuses on exploring the Salesforce Platform and Salesforce Ecosystem. There will be a Q&A session and an interactive workshop, so check it out!
Do you remember how last week had all of those events on Wednesday? We had Back to Basics: Your Intro into Flow, Connected Campaigns, and a* Pardot Virtual Happy Hour*! all in one day; did you manage to attend them all?
We also learned about some major donor moves during Portland, Oregon’s May NPSP Meeting, and gaining new prospects in Masterclass: Engaging with Prospects Digitally.
Then we wrapped up our week with *Moving Towards Mastery: Report and Dashboard Features You Should Know. *Did you attend any of these events or classes? Tweet us @mkpartners and let us know your thoughts!
Also, make sure to tweet us if you think there are any events worth mentioning and what event you are excited about this upcoming week. And, as always, we’ll see you in the cloud.